Partners in Justice and Love – Extended Epilogue


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It had been one full year since Logan and Sara had shared in their vows with family by their side. The year had been filled to the brim with happiness between the young couple. Naturally, life on the frontier was never without its challenges, but together, no struggle could be insurmountable. The two of them continued to live on Tom and Janie’s land, blessed to see Charley and Carter grow and change with each new day. Tom and Sara’s mother had settled nicely into life in Oakmede, happy to have her family by her side once again.

Early one morning, Logan gazed out the window of the sheriff’s office, pacing back and forth across the creaky wooden floorboards in an attempt to ward off the mid-January chill. He pulled his gloves back on and rubbed his hands together while anxiously waiting for the water to boil for his coffee. He silently thanked Sara for having insisted that he wear his gloves that morning, however much he had argued that he wouldn’t need them.

Across the street, he could just make out the silhouette of Genevieve Langley lighting lamps in the restaurant windows. He waved as she caught sight of him, and chuckled as she enthusiastically waved back. More so than ever before, Oakmede had come to feel like home. Sara’s touches had turned the cabin that Logan had built with his own hands into a real home. Her warmth shone in every room of the house, and her constant care and concern for Logan never went unfelt.

All had been quiet in Oakmede over the past few months. Sheriff Graves had stepped down from his position as a lawman, handing the role on to Logan. With Moran finally behind bars for his crimes, peace had been restored to their little town and the sheriff had decided it was time for him to enjoy his retirement. Logan had accepted the position gracefully, with many of the townsfolk happy to have him in office. His experience had been more than proven, and his concern for the townsfolk was genuine.

As the railroad grew more popular each month, their little town wasn’t so small anymore. The old gambling saloon had been turned into an extension of the inn, with the main floor offering a hall for town events. The general store had been forced to build on another building in order to meet the demand of the growing population. Even Sara had put her hand in the movement, beginning to supply the store with new dresses each month.

With the ever-growing town came an even larger responsibility for the sheriff. It took a strong man with a desire for peace to keep newcomers and passers-through from bringing any new trouble to the town. But with a man like Logan in office, those who called this place home could sleep peacefully.

A cold wind blew outside, rattling the windows and sending Logan’s eyes darting over to the coffee pot. It was still not as dark as he liked it, but he decided the pot had brewed long enough and poured a steaming hot cup, warming his hands on the sides of it. With a deep breath of its comforting aroma, he resumed his seat behind the desk.

He picked up a regional bulletin that had come through in the mail. There was a picture of a man whom Logan had never seen, with an article claiming that he was the most dangerous criminal in the west. Logan scoffed and shook his head. No matter how many gunslingers you throw behind bars, there will always be another to take their place. He was thankful for Eli, and others like him, who still roamed the open plains as bounty hunters. But he was also grateful to have been able to settle down at last.

Deciding that there was never any real news, Logan folded the bulletin and stuffed it in his desk drawer. He stretched up in his chair, struggling to keep himself sitting still. He dug around in his pack, finding that Sara had slipped an extra biscuit inside, already smothered with preserves and wrapped in a cloth. He chuckled, thankful that she was always so thoughtful.

He kicked his chair back a bit, leaving room for his legs to stretch out straight, and propped his feet up. The sun’s slow rise made it that much harder to get going in the morning, and his newfound position behind a desk left him tired this morning. No sooner than he’d propped his boots on the desk, a rider raced past the front windows, kicking up snow in his wake. Logan quickly rose to his feet, putting down his cup.

Rushing toward the door to see what the commotion was, Logan nearly had the door shoved into his face. Tom came stumbling through the doorway of the sheriff’s office, barging directly into Logan’s chest.

“Goodness, man! What is the matter?” Logan exclaimed as he stepped back from his brother-in-law.

Tom stumbled back away from Logan, realizing how close they’d come to a collision. “It’s…” Tom panted, being forced to slow down and catch his breath. “It’s Sara,” he finally managed to force out between breaths. “She’s gone into labor!”

Logan’s mouth dropped open a bit, and he froze in place for a moment, allowing Tom’s words to sink in. “Is she…?”

“She’s fine, she’s fine,” Tom soothed, “but the baby is coming quickly! We must get home!”

Logan wasted no time. He quickly grabbed his hat and rushed out the back door of the office, hurrying toward the stable to collect his steed. He silently kicked himself for having not followed his instinct and staying home that morning. He threw his saddle over his horse, fastening it and untying the reins. By the time he rode around the building, Tom had mounted his horse and was waiting for him in the street. Together they raced toward their property and a fast arriving newborn.

As they hurried along, big, soft snowflakes began to drift to the ground around them, leaving cold, wet spots on their faces and clothing. Logan reached up and flipped his collar up, covering his exposed neck.

As they finally galloped into the yard, they hurried past Tom and Janie’s house, knowing that no one would be there now. Mr. Hodges met them by the veranda of Logan and Sara’s home. “Leave the horses to me,” he insisted, taking the reigns from them. “Hurry on inside the house, she’s having a time of things.”

The men nodded and rushed past the cowhand, barreling into the living room. There, Charley and Carter were playing with their stuffed bears while curiously listening to the commotion coming from the bedroom.

“Is your mother with Aunt Sara?” Tom asked, slowing near the boys.

“Yes, Papa, and Grandmother, too,” Charley spoke up. “Is Aunt Sara going to be alright?”

“Good,” Tom said, taking a breath of relief. He motioned toward the door, urging Logan to go on without him. “Yes, Aunt Sara is in good hands. She will be perfectly fine soon enough.”

Logan hesitated at the bedroom door, finding himself in the unusual position of feeling out of his realm. A criminal of any stature could not faze him, but matters concerning Sara still baffled him most of the time. Unsure of exactly what to expect, he steadied himself as he opened the door. He was both relieved and a bit terrified to find his wife still deep in the throes of labor.

“Logan! Thank goodness you’ve made it in time!” Janie exclaimed. She pulled him closer to Sara’s bedside, giving him a stool she’d been sitting on.

Logan nervously took a seat, studying his wife’s pained expression. “Is she doing alright?”

“Yes, she’s doing marvelously,” Janie answered, bringing a fresh rag for Sara’s forehead. “She still has some time to go, but it shouldn’t be much longer.”

Soon, Sara’s contraction passed, giving her a brief moment of relief. She reached over and took Logan’s hand. “I’m so glad Tom reached you in time,” she whispered. “I could only pray that you would be in the office.”

“Yes, nothing to worry about there. I knew I should have just locked up for the day and come back home. We both knew it couldn’t be much longer,” he said, shaking his head.

“Oooh!” Sara yelled, crunching down in another contraction.

Logan held his wife’s hand, but his fear was written across his face. He watched the woman who had stolen his heart away. Her strength never ceased to amaze him. He knew it took a strong woman to handle the likes of himself, ever in danger thanks to his job, and still on the stubborn side when it came to watching his own safety. Now, before his eyes, she was bringing forth a miracle. He rubbed her hand and wiped her face with the cloth.

As the wave of pain passed, she released her grip on Logan’s hand and gasped for a decent breath of air. Logan found himself gasping right along with her as he watched her face relax. Sara’s mother laughed, walking up behind Logan.

“Just talk her through them, dear. Her body knows what it should do.” She placed a hand on her son-in-law’s shoulder, offering the comfort that only a mother knows how. “If you need one of us to step in, just let me know.”

Logan nodded, kissing Sara’s hand. The tension in her hand began to return, and Logan leaned in closer, placing his other hand on her cheek. This time the pang wasn’t as intense, and she soon released and took a good breath.

“Is everything ready in the baby’s room?” she asked, looking for anything to get her mind off of the immediate.

“Yes, darling,” he assured her. “We are as prepared as we can be. I’ll bring the cradle into our room for the time being, along with the cloths.”

She nodded, flashing him a little grin. “Thank you. Mother, is there anything I’m forgetting? I feel like there is something else.”

Mother laughed and shook her head. “No, dear. The only things you need are a mother’s instincts and a father’s loving care. You have both of those in plenty. Remember, you’re not alone. Both Janie and I will be here to help you both.”

Logan nodded. “And I will be staying home for a few days as well. I’ve needed to hire a deputy for some time now. And this gave me the perfect excuse. The oldest Jameson brother has now been sworn in, and he will be holding things down for the next couple of weeks.”

“Oh, I’m so glad to hear that you won’t be working alone anymore!” Sara exclaimed. “I don’t like knowing that you handle criminals on your own.”

Logan laughed. “This is not the time for you to be concerned about me!”

Over the following hours, wave after wave of pain swept over Sara, each one taking more of the energy she so desperately needed. When Janie confirmed that it was time, at last, Logan leaned over his wife.

He kissed her cheek gently and whispered in her ear. “One more time, my darling. I know you can do this. You are stronger than I could ever hope to be. Just one last push.”

Sara gripped Logan’s hand and bore down. Squeals of excitement from Janie and Mother confirmed that her efforts had been enough. A tiny cry pierced the air, flooding everyone in the house with joy. Sara gasped for air, finally lying back to relax.

“He’s here!” Mother exclaimed. “Your son is here!”

Sara forced her eyes open enough to meet Logan’s gaze. “We have a son,” she whispered with a tired smile.

“We have a son,” Logan echoed with a laugh. He leaned down and kissed Sara, running his fingers through her hair. “You were marvelous.”

Janie wrapped the baby in a warm blanket, cleaning off his face and handing him to his father. Logan’s heart skipped in his chest as he peered down into the boy’s tiny face. He sat back down on the stool where Sara could see the baby. Logan ran his finger over the boy’s head and counted tiny fingers and toes.

“What a miracle,” he whispered.

“Yes, that he is,” Sara smiled, taking him from Logan and coddling him against her chest. “Now that we know he is a boy, what would you like to name him?”

“I’ve been so caught up in it all, I hadn’t thought much about that yet,” Logan admitted.

Sara gazed into her son’s peaceful face, studying his tiny features. “Daniel…,” Sara said. “What do you think of the name, Daniel?”

Logan smirked, knowing that few other people knew his middle name. “If it suits you, then I think it’s a good, strong name.”

“Then Daniel he shall be,” she smiled.

Janie went out to tell Tom and the boys the joyous news, taking over in the living room so that Tom could meet his nephew. He came in and shook Logan’s hand.

“Congratulations!” he grinned. “Welcome to fatherhood.”

Logan took a deep breath, allowing that thought to sink in. Sara proudly motioned for Tom to come closer, presenting him with the bundled baby. A tiny button nose peeked through into the light. Tom gave Sara’s hand a squeeze.

“He’s perfect,” Tom whispered. “And with time, he’ll have two best friends to see every day. The boys are ever so eager to meet him. In a few days, we’ll bring them back over. But for now, you both need some time to recuperate.”

Logan laughed. “I’m not sure what I need to recover from.”

Tom smirked. “You’ll know soon enough.”

Logan shot him a sideways glance and nodded.

“Mother, I’m going to take the boys home and get them some lunch. Do you want me to bring anything back for you?” Tom asked, carefully passing the baby on to his mother.

“No,” she shook her head, never looking up from the face peering back at her. “I couldn’t think of anything else but this little one just yet.”

“I understand. If you change your mind, just send Janie after me.”

Tom slipped back out of the room, leaving his mother to bond with her grandson. Sara laid back, drifting in and out of sleep as her exhaustion set in. Logan stayed faithfully by her side, watching as she found some much-needed rest. His thoughts drifted to the future of Oakmede, and the place he was protecting for his son and nephews to grow up in.

The frontier could be a harsh place, there was no denying it. But that was all the more reason for him to continue to uphold justice in the region. But at least he was no longer alone in his efforts. Without the turmoil caused by men like Levi Moran, more and more good men stepped forward every day, each willing to do their part to ensure a happy existence for their own loved ones.

Logan looked at Sara, instantly sure that she would be a wonderful mother. She was already so carling and thoughtful. She was the sort who would step into it naturally, without any struggle at all. But he worried about his own efforts. His own warped relationship with his father had left him distanced, and never truly knowing what a father’s love should look like. What if he couldn’t provide what Daniel would need from him? What if he couldn’t offer the protection that Daniel and Sara would now be so dependent upon? What if he simply wasn’t good enough?

Logan shook his head, struggling to pull himself out of the downward spiral that he’d been caught in so many times before. He tried to remind himself that he’d struggled with similar fears over his relationship with Sara, yet here they were, together and happier than ever. He rubbed his face, trying to work through his fears before Sara awoke again. She needed him to be stronger now than ever before.

Mrs. Bailey quietly observed her son-in-law as he lingered deep in thought. The combination of sheer joy and deep responsibility was evident in his gentle eyes. Glancing down at the newborn in her arms, she remembered how overwhelming those emotions could be. There’s simply nothing in the world that prepares a person for the newfound position of parenthood. She smiled and rose from her seat, approaching Logan. “It’s natural to be a bit frightened,” she said, gently placing the bundle of baby in his arms. “It is a lot to take in all at once.”

Logan nodded, glancing over at her. “What if I…”

Mrs. Bailey shook her head, quieting him. “Every new parent has a twinge of doubt as to whether or not they have what it takes. I remember that feeling of being completely overwhelmed when I gave birth to Tom, and it showed itself again with Sara, yet here they both are.”

“Perhaps…but I managed to survive my childhood as well. That didn’t make my father a good one,” he sighed. “He was a dreadful man, with little other than hatred in his heart. It was my mother who carried us through it all. What if I don’t turn out to be any better than him?”

“The simple fact that you’re concerned about it tells me that you already are. You’re a good man, Logan. You’ve never allowed your father to determine who you would become. This won’t be any different.”

Logan sighed and tried to take her words to heart.

“That baby in your arms doesn’t need you to be anything other than who you are,” she encouraged.

Sara opened her eyes, having been listening as she rested. “You will be a wonderful father. I’m sure of it.”

Logan reached out and gave her hand a squeeze. “And you will make the best mother.”

“Then I think it’s safe to say that you will have one blessed little boy,” Mother said with a smile.

Logan met Sara’s gaze and smiled, knowing she was right.


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77 thoughts on “Partners in Justice and Love – Extended Epilogue”

    1. Such a beautiful story.
      Thankful that Logan & Sara figured out secrets are not good in relationships and that Tom being a bigger person told his wife in front of Logan.
      And Sara making it out in the new world making dresses as well 😊 I love that part.!

    2. Your books are such a wonderful escape. I read your books nightly as I go to sleep. I love the extended epiloge.
      Thank you for helping to keep me sane in these crazy times.

    3. I enjoyed this story and was happy with the ending. It related to current concerns. Thank you for this story.

    4. There was much suspense with story, but in the end the good lord helped peace reign in the town. Two people finally found their true feelings come to fruit action with much turmoil in their road to happiness. Thank you for this wonderful story.

    5. Ms Lorelei
      You never cease to amaze me with your wonderful stories that keep me spellbound until I finish reading the book and extended epilogue. Sara and Logan were such a wonderful couple and I enjoyed reading their struggles together in “Partners in Justice and Love”. I enjoyed the adventures and the way Logan cleaned up the town. Their little baby was the icing on the cake.
      Thank you for such a wonderful read.

    6. I love this story and all your other books!
      I thank you very much for keeping your romances clean and I can’t wait to read more of your books.
      You are an amazing writer!

    7. Thank you for this beautiful story.
      Sara, Logan, Tom, Jainey & their sons, Mrs Bailey & little Daniel! You brought the wonder world of love, laughter & honesty winning hands up over the bad!
      Merci Beaucoup Ms Brogan!

  1. Wonderful story. How a secret almost cost Sara and Logan their happiness. I’m glad Sara’s brother told the secret to Janie his wife.

  2. A heartwarming story of love 💘of family and how they came together to support each other in finding out the truth about Tom coming to suffer being arrested and sentenced to five years imprisonment and getting him exonerated.
    Sara was right about not having secrets between Janie, Tom, Logan and herself about Tom’s gambling debt and Logan returning to bounty hunting because he was doing so just to help his family and breaking his promise to Janie to give up doing it. Sara knew that Janie would always remember that he’d broken his promise to her and that if she knew the truth about the circumstances that she’d be able to finally lay to rest her feelings of betrayal.
    By Sara returning home, it allowed Logan time to figure out what was truly more important in his life especially after Tom confessed to Janie in front of Logan about his gambling debt and how Logan stepped in to help him out. Logan was able to build a house and go after Sara to make his life and hers feel more than just plodding through each day.

  3. A heartwarming story about love and forgiveness. I enjoyed the book and the extended epilogue. You are a great writer.

    1. Lovely clean romance i also read before going to sleep and this story certainly calmed my thoughts Ray H

  4. Academy awards time…story so endearing one had a tendency to hold your breath for the developing story. Really great job!

  5. Thank you for a really good story about families settling in the west and how they faced many challenges, but family ties are strong and help them through.

  6. What a wonderful loving story to read. Couldn’t stop reading it until I read how everything ends with Sara and Logan.

  7. Is Yes this is a beautiful amazing interesting story..I love it when justice is served to bad people,athough most times it becomes very difficult and scary to succeed. Great 👍 ending…

  8. I think these extended epilogues are a fantastic idea. I like knowing what happens next. I have thoroughly enjoyed each book of yours

  9. Absolutely captivating. The story held my interest from the beginning. Looking forward to reading more of your books. Looking forward to the next one that I will read. Keep up the good work.

  10. Enjoyable read. I hated to reach the end! I actually put off cleaning my messy house because I couldn’t stop reading!

  11. Another enjoyable story, the characters were believable and you either loved or hated them. A lesson to us all about the danger of keeping secrets being a strain on our emotions and relationships. So glad that the truth finally cam eou.

  12. Logan is wonderful, strong and caring while not absolutely sure of having all the right answers where Sara is concerned, even though he knows exactly what it takes to catch the most hardened criminal.
    This story is beautifully written and hard to put down until the very end.

  13. I just loved this book from the start. Superb group of characters and such a lovely story. LB one of your best so far!

    Typo pang instead of pain in epilogue.

  14. This was such a wonderful book. I laughed and cried right along with the family. Thanks for making it feel so real.

  15. Even though justice started off on the wrong side of the law, it eventually gets a guiding hand to correct the mistake. A whole family is at risk, getting justice back on track. The community has also suffered at the hands of a villainous criminal. Love and loyalty is entwined, and can only be beneficial with the truth.

  16. I enjoyed reading this book. Held my interest from beginning to end and the characters are believable. Great read!

  17. Another great story with the struggles of life and heartwarming adventures for new families of the early frontier families. I truly enjoyed this book with the good and bad and right and wrong lessons to learn growing up.

  18. Love how your stories always end great then you make it even better by doing an extended epilogue. Keep up the great western romances!

  19. I enjoyed this beautiful story of love and the characters were very real to life. Keep writing!

  20. I enjoyed this story a lot. Enjoyed the characters all working together to better the town. On to the next book.

  21. Beautifully written story about how good people can make a difference in a small town to make it a safer place to live for everyone.

  22. Not many people grow up without baggage in their lives and unfortunately. It carries over into adulthood. This sort is an example that those things don’t have to determine who we can become. Sara and Logan are certainly examples. Of this truth. This was a sweet story and though there were ups and downs, all came out right in the end. Thanks!

  23. Thank yoi, one of the best books I have had the pleasure of reading. It was wonderful from start to finish. Leaves you with such a good feeling.

  24. L B, another winner. You are a very good story teller. I truly enjoyed this book. I found the characters to be real showing how good, truthful and honesty are traits in which should be apart of our daily life. Sara,Logan, Janie and Tom had
    herhardships and challenges that made them stronger in ffrendsips and love. Thank you very much and blessings to you.

  25. This marvelous exciting story with its diverse characters was well balanced and a pleasure to read. Dealing with the many obstacles the characters managed to overcome, made it an exciting read. Definitely worthy of you time to enjoy.

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