A Rebel Bride’s True Love (Preview)


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Chapter One

When Eleanor Powell made it to town one fateful summer morning, she only had one destination in mind. She needed to get to the dressmaker’s shop as soon as possible. Her palms were sweaty as she contemplated the urgency of her task. Eleanor wasn’t allowed to go into town too often, and it had taken a lot of convincing to get her father to agree to the excursion.

She looked over at the man her father had assigned to escort her to town that day. Jack wasn’t her usual escort. He was still new at the ranch, and he clearly showed his displeasure at being told to watch over his boss’s daughter. His eyes lingered on the saloon, and he was dragging his feet.

“If you’ll excuse me, I need to discuss the details of my wedding dress with Miss Maria,” Eleanor said, clasping her hands together.

She began walking toward the dressmaker’s store with purpose, leaving Jack behind. The letter she had received that morning burned a hole in her pocket, and she touched it reverently.

“Now, hold on, Miss Powell,” Jack said, hurrying after her. “Your father told me not to let you out of my sight.”

Eleanor smiled indulgently. “Well, Jack, as this is your first time escorting me to town, I’ll forgive your naïveté. You see, I have…personal matters that need to be discussed. As you can imagine, there are certain details that I need to discuss with my dressmaker, and it simply wouldn’t be appropriate for a man to be present.”

Jack blanched, and he rubbed the back of his neck. “Your father said…”

“My father told you to escort me to town, and you have done a marvelous job,” Eleanor assured him, glancing over to the dressmaker’s store. “Surely you must realize that it would be impossible for you to keep a constant eye on me?”

She didn’t have much time. A shiver of unease ran down her spine.

Jack hesitated, and she wanted to wring his neck. She had far more important things to take care of. She glanced over at the dressmaker’s again. Thankfully, it seemed that her fiancé hadn’t left yet.

“Fine,” Jack muttered. “I’ll wait outside the saloon for you.”

Eleanor flashed him a quick smile before hurrying to the store. She was careful to creep onto the front porch without a sound. Like most of the buildings in Willowbrook, the little shop was made entirely of wood and had most likely been a house at some point. It wasn’t long ago that Willowbrook had merely been an outpost for fur trappers.

Now, it was a reputable town surrounded by massive ranches.

Eleanor’s stomach turned when she tried the front door but it was firmly locked. A few days ago, she had been trying on her wedding dress when Miss Marie had commented how happy Eleanor would be once she was married. The dressmaker’s assistant had snickered under her breath.

It had been a seemingly insignificant interaction, but Eleanor hadn’t been able to get the malicious look on the assistant’s face out of her mind. Once her fitting was over, Eleanor had pretended to leave and hid behind one of the shelves. The conversation she had overheard shocked her to her very core.

That morning, she had fabricated an excuse to go back into town, and now she was going to find out the truth, once and for all.

There was only one thing she could do now that she knew the door was locked. When she looked back at Jack, she was pleased to see he was involved in a conversation with a fellow cowboy. She inhaled sharply as she slipped around the corner. Eleanor crept around the back of the dressmaker’s store.

The back door was unlocked. She walked slowly and quietly into the store. The wooden floorboards sagged beneath her weight, but miraculously didn’t creak.

She found herself in a storeroom of sorts. Eleanor had never been in the back of the store before and wondered where she would find Miss Marie.

“I don’t understand why you cannot leave her!” Miss Marie’s voice was impassioned, causing Eleanor to stop short.

“We’ve been through this already, Marie,” her fiancé, the esteemed Mr. Bartholomew Thornton, said in frustration.

Eleanor could hear them speaking in the next room. It was where she had stood only a few days ago and had Miss Marie adjust her wedding gown. Eleanor’s stomach roiled, and she pressed a hand to her mouth to keep from making a sound.

“You’re rich, Bart! Why would you marry Miss High and Dry?”

Eleanor’s eyes prickled with tears. She had never imagined that she and Miss Marie were friends, but to hear the dressmaker speak about her in such a sarcastic tone stung her.

“Oh, Marie,” Bart said with a sigh, “if only things were that simple. Eleanor’s father has promised that if I marry the girl, we’ll combine our ventures. Of course, I seem rich to you, dearest, but that can all come crumbling down in an instant. You know my marriage to the girl means nothing.”

The door leading from the storeroom to the dressing room was slightly open. Despite her better judgment, Eleanor peeked around the door and was shocked to see Bart holding Miss Marie’s hands in his own.

They were standing a hair’s breadth apart, and Miss Marie’s face was tilted toward him. Bart was about two decades older than Eleanor and his hair was graying at his temples. He was a handsome man, but Eleanor had never been attracted to him.

The only reason she was engaged to the man was because her father had decided it would happen. As usual, she had had very little input on the matter.

Despite her lack of affection toward Bart, her body burned with embarrassment. He was making a fool of her! No wonder Miss Marie’s assistant had worn a vindictive smile while serving Eleanor. It would not stand.

After her father learned of Bart’s indiscretion, he would be forced to see that Eleanor and Bart were a poor match.

Eleanor’s hands shook as she stepped away from the door. As she moved, a floorboard creaked under her foot.

“What was that?” Bart asked. “Didn’t your assistant leave for the day?”

“Of course!” Miss Marie said in alarm. “Wednesday afternoons belong to you, my love.”

Eleanor dashed toward the back door, her heart thumping loudly in her ears. As her fingers grazed the doorknob, Bart shouted from behind her.

“What are you doing here?”

Eleanor turned on her heel and lifted her chin defiantly. Bart’s face was red, and the vein in his forehead was throbbing dangerously. She had been on the receiving end of his anger before after she had spilled some wine on his former wife’s tablecloth. His fury had frightened her, but now it failed to scare her.

“I should be asking you the same question!” Eleanor retorted.

Miss Marie walked in through the doorway and crossed her arms over her chest.

“You don’t speak to me in that tone!” Bart snapped, walking up toward her.

He grabbed her arm painfully and began dragging her out of the store. She tried to pull her arm free, but his grip was like a vise.

“You’re hurting me!” Eleanor exclaimed. “Let me go. I refuse to marry you. We’re not betrothed.”

“Behave yourself,” Bart sneered, shaking her lightly. “I won’t have you making a scene in public.”

Eleanor bit down on her words. Her father would not be pleased if she made a spectacle of herself.

Bart dropped her arm and put his hands on his hips. “Why were you spying on me?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

“I wasn’t spying!” Eleanor’s voice rose.

How could he be angry with her? Shouldn’t he be ashamed that she had caught on to his infidelity?

They were standing in the narrow space between the dressmaker and the local café. People passed by on the street, completely unaware of the drama unfolding just a few feet away.

“Yes, you were,” Bart sneered. “It’s a dirty, nasty habit that I expect you to drop once you are my wife.”

“I will not marry you now!” Eleanor exclaimed. “You must be sorely mistaken if you think I’ll let you make a fool out of me.”

Bart snorted. “It’s not as if you have any say in the matter, Eleanor. You’re not a girl anymore, and it’s time you stopped acting like it. I am a grown man, and I do not have to answer to the likes of you.”

Words failed Eleanor. She merely gaped at him.

“This is how the world works,” Bart continued. “Your role is to be a dutiful, silent wife. I can see that it will take you some time to learn your place. In the meantime, I want to talk to your escort. You should never have been allowed to wander about on your own!”

With that, he marched out into the street and looked around. When he spotted Jack, he signaled for the cowboy to come over. Jack’s eyes widened, and he made his way across the street.

“I misled him about his duties,” Eleanor said quickly, hurrying after Bart. “Please, this was my doing and mine alone.”

Bart scoffed just as Jack joined them. “What were you thinking? You left your charge alone.”

“She told me she was having her wedding gown fitted!” Jack said, holding his hands up in surrender.

“Stupid man!” Bart crossed his arms over his chest. “Don’t you know how wily young women are? You were entrusted with the solemn duty of protecting her from her wayward inclinations. I’ll be having a word with your boss about this. In the meantime, take the girl home, and don’t let her out of your sight.”

Eleanor cringed in shame as Jack turned to look at her accusingly. He motioned for her to follow him to the carriage. When they got to the carriage, Eleanor threw herself onto the seat and allowed her tears to fall.

“You have my condolences,” Jack said softly.

She looked at him through her tears. “Excuse me?”

Jack shrugged. He looked back at the dressmaker’s store where Bart had just gone back through the front door.

“I don’t think you’ll be happy with a man like him.”

Eleanor sniffed. “I won’t.”

Jack nodded slowly. “The other cowboys mentioned that you’re a smart girl. I assume you have some way of getting out of this?”

Eleanor’s hand went instinctively to the letter in her pocket. “I do.”

When her father had announced her engagement to Bart Thornton, Eleanor had been horrified. He was a gauche brute who ruled his ranch through fear and intimidation. She had grown up watching him terrorize all his servants and his first wife. Eleanor had impulsively written to a mail-order bride agency.

It had been a last-ditch attempt to gain freedom. Unfortunately, she had come to her senses the next morning. How could she ever run away? She didn’t have a dime to her name, and she had grown accustomed to a certain lifestyle.

Besides, when she had checked the particulars of the agency, she had noticed that they only sent brides out West. She shuddered at the thought. Everyone knew the West was filled with no-good outlaws. It was a dirty place, and she would never survive in such circumstances.

Eleanor had convinced herself that nothing would come of it. A few weeks later, she had received a letter. The agency had matched her to a rancher named Paul Middleton from a place called Silver Pines in Kansas. The letter in her pocket was from Paul, confirming that he would appreciate hearing back from her.

She had meant to throw it away, but something had stopped her. Even now, she couldn’t bring herself to destroy it even though her father couldn’t possibly force her to marry that philanderer, Bart Thornton!

“Then may I be so impertinent as to suggest that you do something quickly?” Jack said.

She swallowed hard. “My father won’t force me to marry that man once he knows the truth.”

Jack gave her a long, searching look. Finally, he shook his head slowly and closed the door.


A few hours later, Eleanor made her way to the dining room. She was wearing a resplendent velvet dress that was embellished with embroidered flowers along the collar. Her hands were clammy as she sat down across from her father.

Michael Powell was a bear of a man. He was large, hairy, and aggressive. As she lowered herself into her chair, he looked up at her with a stern expression.

“I hear you had an eventful day in town today.”

Eleanor folded her hands neatly in her lap. The servants bustled in and ladled soup into their bowls. Even though there were only two of them, they used the luxurious dining room that could seat up to sixteen guests.

The gleaming wooden table was covered with a tablecloth imported from Paris, and their meals were served in fine porcelain dinnerware.

“Father, I’m not sure what that man told you…”

“That man is your fiancé, and I insist that you refer to him with more respect!” Michael glowered at her.

She swallowed hard. “Mr. Thornton has been conducting an affair with the dressmaker!”

Instead of looking scandalized, her father sighed. He waved the servant away and shoved a spoonful of soup into his mouth.

After a few moments, he spoke. “I know you’re a sensitive girl, but there are certain liberties that a man in my and Mr. Thornton’s station are entitled to. He may choose to keep a woman on the side. As long as he does so discreetly, there is no harm in it.”

“There was nothing discreet about their meeting today,” Eleanor pointed out. “She closed her store in the middle of the day! She mentioned that she does that every Wednesday. I’m sure everyone on that street knows what’s transpiring between them. Father, his actions demean me and besmirch our family’s good name.”

“Eleanor.” He pinched the bridge of his nose and clenched his eyes shut. “I have had a difficult day. All I do every day is manage our considerable assets. Do you realize how much work I do to keep you comfortable? The same is true of Mr. Thornton. You’ve never worked a day in your life. You have no concept of what it means to be responsible for the livelihood of hundreds of people. Hasn’t Mr. Thornton allowed you to decorate his house according to your tastes?”

“He has mentioned—”

“And hasn’t he already provided you with a clothing allowance?”

“From the same dressmaker that…”

Michael’s voice rose until his words drowned her out. “And doesn’t he send a fresh bouquet of flowers each day? Not to mention all the expensive jewelry and the piano he bought last month. Honestly, Eleanor, how could you repay his generosity with suspicion and reproach?”

“I want my future husband to love and respect me,” Eleanor said in a small voice.

Her shoulders were hunched, and her eyes blurred with tears. How could her father be so thoughtless?

“Eleanor, this marriage will mean a lot for the future of our business. Now, usually, I would have given all of this to my son and heir. But since your mother failed to produce more than a weak-willed girl, I have had to make arrangements.” Michael’s tone was sharp. “You will not throw away your life simply because you have an unrealistic view of marriage. You’ve always been a spoiled girl! Don’t you dare embarrass me by challenging Mr. Thornton again. Do you hear me?”

Eleanor’s throat was tight as she nodded dutifully.

“Good,” Michael said, “now, eat your food. I won’t have you wasting anything I paid for.”

Her hand shook as she brought the soup to her mouth. Although their cook only used the finest ingredients, and she usually loved his creamy tomato soup, it tasted like ash in her mouth.

Eleanor’s thoughts drifted to the letter she had hidden in her vanity. She needed to write to Paul Middleton as soon as she could get away.

Chapter Two

Storm clouds gathered in the sky above as Brayden Johnson made his way into town. A bracing wind blew through the rugged terrain. He urged his horse forward. His clothes were covered in dust from a hard day of work on his ranch, and his muscles ached.

It had been a long morning, and it promised to be an even longer afternoon. He hated going into town, but he needed supplies. If it were possible, Brayden would hardly ever go into town.

As the wind blew, the piercing sound of a train’s whistle split the air. The whistle spurred him onward. It was the sound of something significant. There had been a time when Silver Pines hadn’t been anywhere near a train station. Now, it had one of its own. Progress marched on, regardless of what people said or did.

Brayden rode over the hill that overlooked the town and spotted the train pulling into the station. Silver Pines’ train station was barely more than a shack with a porch. There wasn’t even a bench where weary travelers could sit for a while.

Brayden brought his horse to a stop as he surveyed the town. It was almost empty. The coming storm had probably kept most people at home. He smiled to himself. It would be a quick trip, and then he wouldn’t have to go to town for a while. Besides, he had promised his friend that he would be there when the train arrived.

“Come on, Thunder,” Brayden urged, leaning forward as he used his heels to get his horse moving. The horse was pulling a small cart behind him, but Thunder moved as if he wasn’t tied to anything. Brayden had chosen Thunder because of his strength and grace.

The train station was coming up quickly. He had timed his trip well. The train was scheduled to arrive at midday, but it was almost always late. Despite dreading his trip into town because it meant interacting with some town folk, Brayden was looking forward to seeing his friend, Dan.

Besides the cowboys who helped him on the ranch, Brayden hadn’t spoken to another living soul in weeks. Living on a ranch made for an isolated life, and most of the time, Brayden didn’t mind it. Although it had turned him into somewhat of a recluse. People were always saying that if he found a wife, he would become more outgoing. It was part of the reason he disliked going into town. The townsfolk meant well, but they were always meddling in his affairs.

Brayden shuddered at the thought. There was a reason why he didn’t let people get too close.

Instead of dwelling on his past, Brayden hitched his horse outside the train station and made his way up to the platform.

“There you are!” Sheriff Dan Turner said as Brayden stepped onto the porch.

“How was Dodge City?” Brayden asked, walking over to Dan.

Dan shrugged. “It’s the same old. Just another day in the saddle. The marshal needs help, and he wants me up there doing the work he should be doing.”

Brayden grimaced. “I’m sorry to hear that. Perhaps you should have asked Marcy to meet you here instead of me. She would have been more of a comfort.”

Dan’s face darkened at the mention of his wife, and Brayden shoved his hands into his pockets at the sudden shift in Dan’s demeanor.

“Is everything alright?” Brayden asked, his skin prickling uncomfortably. He hated getting involved in other people’s business.

“Yes.” Dan waved his hand dismissively. “I asked you to meet me here because I need someone to help me carry my things to town. It’s too much for Marcy, and I didn’t want to burden her.”

There was something else that Dan wasn’t telling him. But Brayden decided to let it go. Dan would talk about it when he was good and ready. It was part of the reason they were such good friends even though Dan was a good fifteen years older than Brayden. They respected each other’s need for privacy.

Brayden nodded. He looked up and saw that the clouds had grown darker and heavier. Rain would start bucketing down at any second. He didn’t mind. A little rain never killed anyone.

There were two other people on the platform. The other one was the preacher, and the last one caused Brayden’s brow to furrow. It was a striking young woman wearing a deep blue cotton dress with a high neckline and birds embroidered on the hem.

She stuck out like a sore thumb on the dusty platform. Her chestnut-brown hair was pulled into a practical bun. But her hairstyle seemed to be the most practical thing about her as she dragged two cases off the train.

The mysterious woman looked up. As their eyes met, Brayden shivered. Her crystal blue eyes pierced through him, and he had to look away.

“Who’s that?” Brayden asked in a low tone.

Dan was busy gathering his cases. There were three large cases and one smaller one. He looked up in irritation and shrugged.

“I don’t know. She kept to herself the entire journey. I tried striking up a conversation, but when she didn’t reciprocate, I let her be.”

Brayden nodded. He glanced back at her. She was looking around cautiously, as if she was waiting for someone. Perhaps it would be best to leave her to her business.

Dan and Brayden took the cases to the small cart. While they worked, Brayden kept looking back at her. The air was getting colder, and he estimated that they had about an hour before it started raining in earnest.

“My, this is heavy,” Brayden commented as he picked up the biggest case. “What’s in here?”

Dan looked over at it and hesitated. It was strange. Brayden had never known Dan to be so secretive before. There was a difference between wanting to keep things private and wanting to keep things secret. Brayden was well aware of the difference, and he didn’t appreciate being kept out of the loop.

“It’s a long story,” Dan said, shaking his head. “I’ll tell you all about it soon enough. Thank you for coming all the way out here to meet with me. There aren’t many around here that I trust as much as you.”

“I doubt that,” Brayden said, raising an eyebrow. “What about your deputy?”

Dan didn’t say anything for a moment. “I’ve been asking Roy to cover for me every time I go to Dodge. I didn’t want to burden him unnecessarily.”

“It’s his job to help you,” Brayden pointed out. “It wouldn’t be a burden.”

“Are you saying that I shouldn’t have asked you?” Dan asked, turning on Brayden.

Brayden raised an eyebrow. “Hey now, don’t take your frustration out on me. I was merely asking a few questions. You would have done the same thing.”

Dan ran a hand down his face. “You’re right. I apologize. It’s been a long journey, and I’m longing to go home.”

“Alright.” Brayden looked back at the platform.

The woman was still standing there, looking around with a lost expression. The bottom of her skirt was covered in dirt, but she didn’t seem to notice. It was a real shame that she had worn such a pretty dress. The thing would be ruined in no time.

“Can we get going?” Dan climbed onto the cart.

Brayden chewed on his bottom lip. He didn’t feel like meeting anyone new. And if he was seen escorting a young woman into town, tongues were certain to wag. However, his mama had raised him right, and he couldn’t leave a woman on her own like that.

“I’ll be right back,” Brayden promised.

He walked over to the young woman. She looked startled when she saw him, and he forced himself to smile. The poor woman was already having a difficult day. He didn’t need to scare her.

“Howdy, ma’am.” He tipped his hat toward her. “My name is Brayden Johnson.”

The woman looked at him warily. “I’m Eleanor.”

He waited for more, but she didn’t elaborate. She kept looking past him as if making sure that they weren’t alone. It made sense. She was a woman out on her own, and he was a large man.

She spoke with a soft, lilting drawl that told him she had come from the South. What had compelled her to make such a journey? And how did she end up in Silver Pines, of all places? It made very little sense.

“I have a ranch around these parts,” Brayden explained. “You look lost. Is there anything I can help you with?”

She shook her head firmly. “I’m waiting for my fiancé.”

The words felt like a dismissal, but he wasn’t quite ready to give up yet. She didn’t know what the weather could be like. Although her highfalutin demeanor irritated him, he was determined to persevere.

Brayden’s eyebrows rose. “Fiancé?”

He hadn’t heard about anyone getting engaged recently, let alone that someone had found an out-of-towner. Then again, he hadn’t left his ranch in weeks. It made perfect sense that he had fallen behind on the local gossip.

She swallowed hard, then nodded.

“Oh,” Brayden said. “What’s his name? Perhaps he’s running late. That kind of thing happens around here.”

The woman tugged at the collar of her dress. “Paul Middleton.”

Brayden nodded. He knew Paul quite well. Paul was an easy-going fellow with a good reputation. They shared a border, as Paul’s ranch was right next to his.

“You must love him an awful lot to move all the way out here,” Brayden commented, gesturing at the wild plains all around them. “Frontier living isn’t easy.”

She didn’t say anything but pursed her lips. He sighed. How was it possible that he kept saying the wrong thing?

“I don’t know what could be keeping him,” Brayden admitted. “He’s usually quite punctual. If you’d like, I can take you into town. It’s a few minutes from here.”

The woman looked uncertain. He was conscious of her studying his attire. If he had known that he was going to meet her, he might’ve put something else on. Or he could have at least washed his face. As it was, he was covered in dust from head to toe, and there were streaks of mud on his clothes.

Brayden took a step back and shoved his hands in his pockets. There was dirt under his nails from when he had been digging in the ground. Usually, he wouldn’t care as much, but it was as if this woman was shining a spotlight on him and pointing out all his flaws.

“Thank you for the kind offer, but I promised to meet him here,” she explained. “It might only confuse things if I head to town.”

“Are you sure?” Brayden asked, looking meaningfully at the sky.

The clouds were a dark, angry shade of grayish black. They hung heavily in the sky as if they were on the point of bursting. By the looks of it, the woman’s shoes would be ruined in the rain. They were little better than slippers. In all fairness, they probably hadn’t been designed for life out in the West.

“Yes,” Eleanor said firmly. “Thank you for your offer, but it isn’t necessary.”

Brayden sighed. “Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you. I hope Paul finds you before the rain does.”

Eleanor wrinkled her nose. “I’m not a delicate flower. The rain won’t cause me to melt.”

Well. That’s what he got for sticking his nose in other people’s business.

“Fine.” He sighed. What an ungrateful woman! He had only been trying to help her. “Have it your way. Good day, Miss Eleanor.”

With that, he walked off. He made up his mind then and there that he’d have very little to do with her in the future.

Chapter Three

As the storm clouds brewed overhead, Brayden helped Dan get back home. The air was thick with tension as they grappled with their own thoughts. Dan was quiet most of the way, but Brayden didn’t mind. He was too busy stewing over his interaction with the snobbish Miss Eleanor.

Where did she get off looking down on him? All he’d done was try to help her! His mind swirled angrily as he remembered the way she had picked at her nails while she spoke to him.

Before he knew it, they were outside Dan’s modest home. Silver Pines wasn’t a big town and mostly consisted of a main street filled with a saloon, a bank, a jail, a blacksmith, a baker, and a general store. The few people who lived in town had small properties where they grew their own crops and tended to gardens.

Dan’s house was quiet when they arrived, and Brayden was surprised that his wife Marcy was nowhere to be seen.

“Thank you for your help,” Dan said as they took the cases inside. “I’d ask you inside for a drink, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen Marcy and I think she wants a night to ourselves.”

Brayden nodded. “I understand. You’re lucky to have a wife who loves you so.”

They started by taking the small cases inside and spoke as they walked. When the small ones were inside, they stood by the cart and talked. It seemed neither of them wanted to pick up the biggest and heaviest case.

“Yeah.” Dan’s smile was genuine, which lifted Brayden’s spirits.

“I know you can’t talk too much about what’s going on, but I want you to know that I’m on your side if you need me.” Brayden lifted his hat to scratch his head. “It’s not much, but sometimes it helps knowing at least one person is in your corner.”

“A Rebel Bride’s True Love” is an Amazon Best-Selling novel, check it out here!

In the heart of the Wild West, Eleanor Powell seeks a new beginning in Silver Pines, escaping a betrothal to a cruel man. Yet, upon arriving, she discovers her intended husband imprisoned under mysterious circumstances, derailing her hopes. In this bewildering moment, she meets Brayden, a cowboy with a shadowy past, who reluctantly becomes her guide. Amidst the uncertainty, Eleanor faces a crucial question:

Is she ready to open her heart in a town that seems to be filled with secrets?

Brayden, a man of the land with secrets as deep as the mines of Silver Pines, finds himself unexpectedly entwined with Eleanor’s fate. His past, intertwined with the very injustices that have ensnared her intended, casts long shadows over their budding relationship. As Brayden navigates his tumultuous feelings and the precarious balance between duty and desire, he’s left pondering a daunting future:

Will he risk everything to keep Eleanor safe from the town’s dark underbelly?

As Eleanor and Brayden navigate the tangled webs of Silver Pines, their bond deepens amidst the whispers of hidden truths. With every step closer to uncovering the town’s mysteries, they find themselves intertwined in a delicate dance of trust and betrayal. Yet, as they confront the shadows of their pasts and the uncertainties of their future, one question looms large; Will their love withstand the trials that await, or will the darkness of Silver Pines tear them apart?

“A Rebel Bride’s True Love” is a historical western romance novel of approximately 80,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.

Get your copy from Amazon!


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