The Widow’s Tender Protector (Preview)


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Chapter One

Grief clung to Clarissa Benson like a well-worn shawl. Fellow mourners surrounded her, but their comforting words bounced off her skin. They had stopped trying to engage her in conversation after the funeral. The only good thing that came from being a widow on the day of her husband’s funeral was that people were willing to forgive her rudeness.

She sat staring at David’s armchair, thinking about the last time she had seen him sitting there. He had been smoking a pipe, staring into the fire with a thoughtful expression. Her heart constricted with pain, and her throat became tight.

“Are you hungry, sweetheart?” Clarissa’s neighbor, Mrs. Abigail Marshal, put a comforting hand on Clarissa’s shoulder.

Clarissa looked up at Abigail blankly. “No, thank you.”

How could they be talking about something as trivial as food on the day of David’s funeral? All Clarissa could see in the back of her mind was the image of David’s casket being lowered into the ground. What was the point in continuing without David?

His dimpled smile came to mind, and her eyes filled with tears. Oh, how she missed him!

Abigail didn’t say anything but sat next to Clarissa. “I can’t begin to fathom what you must be feeling now. When my own Theobald died…” Clarissa immediately tuned Abigail out. Her Theobald had been in his sixties when he had passed. They had found him behind his desk, slumped over his morning newspaper. A heart attack had claimed him within minutes. It had happened so quickly that Abigail hadn’t known it had happened.

What was more, Abigail had three children and a lifetime of happy memories to turn to during her time of grief. After scarcely a year of marriage, Clarissa had none of those things, only a future that was frighteningly empty after David’s tragic demise. He had been on a voyage for the past two months, and she had only learned of his death a week ago.

As Clarissa turned to her thoughts, she realized that Abigail was staring at her expectantly. Heavens, what had Abigail asked her?

“I’m sorry. Could you please repeat your question?” Clarissa mumbled.

Abigail patted Clarissa’s hand. “I wanted to know if Jacob has returned from his visit to the solicitor?”

Clarissa shrugged. “I don’t know. He said he would send for me once he returned. I’m not concerned. David was a thoughtful man. He will have made provision for me to be taken care of.”

Abigail nodded. “I assumed so. Theobald’s foresight saved my hide when he passed. Otherwise, my daughter-in-law would have thrown me out on the street. She’s a heartless woman with far too much influence over my spineless son. She’s the entire reason I decided to move out West to join my daughter. I’ve decided that the comforts I can find in the city simply aren’t worth putting up with that woman any longer!”

Clarissa was spared from having to respond when her brother-in-law walked in through the front door. His eyes searched the room, and when they landed on her, he gestured for her to follow him. With that, he turned and walked toward David’s office.

“Excuse me, please,” Clarissa murmured, standing up and hurrying away in the middle of Abigail’s rant about her daughter-in-law.

Clarissa hurried through the hall of her modest home. David had been a sea captain, which had come with a house that belonged to the company that employed him. As the daughter of a trapper, she had grown up in small cabins and had traversed the length of the country. She’d been in awe when David first showed her the house he had earned with his promotion to captain.

His office was on the other side of the house. She had never spent much time there. It was filled with maps and documents that she couldn’t make any sense of. Ever since David had died, she couldn’t bear to go inside.

She hesitated in the doorway and took a deep breath. You must do this. It’s just a room. She stepped into the room before she could change her mind, and her senses were flooded with memories of her beloved husband.

David’s scent hung in the air and brought a fresh round of tears to her eyes. Jacob was sitting by the desk, his blonde head angled away from her. If she hadn’t known better, she could have mistaken him for David.

When he turned his face to her, the illusion was broken. David and Jacob shared many similarities. Their different colored eyes were their most striking difference. David’s gorgeous, deep blue eyes had made her think of the sea when she first met him. His destiny as a sea captain had been foretold in the color of his eyes.

Jacob’s eyes were a greyish color. Although she didn’t know him very well, she thought that it was a perfect representation of his personality. She couldn’t help but think that Jacob was a cheap imitation of his older brother.

“I’m sorry that I’m so late,” Jacob said. “The solicitor was terribly dull, and I couldn’t get away until now.”

Clarissa nodded. “I understand.”

Jacob smiled at her. The action was meant to be kindly, but Clarissa noticed that it didn’t quite meet his eyes. Jacob had shown up out of the blue two days after David had died. He had taken over every aspect of the funeral arrangements. Clarissa knew that she should have been grateful, but he had shoved her out of all the preparations, citing her fragile nerves. She’d never been one to sit on the sidelines.

“I’m sure you’re wondering what provisions David made for you,” Jacob said, clasping his hands together. “Well, it pains me to say that David didn’t have a chance to alter his will before his untimely death.”

Blood roared in Clarissa’s ears. How could that be possible? David was the most conscientious man she knew. She felt like she was going to be sick. Clarissa pressed a hand against her mouth. Every morning since she’d learned of David’s death, she had thrown up. Mornings were miserable for her now since every time she woke up, she forgot that David was dead. And every morning, she had to relive the realization that her love was gone. It was enough to cause her to throw up.

“I’m sure this must come as a shock to you, but it’s completely understandable. After all, you were only married for about a year, and before that, you two had an uncommonly short courtship. Perhaps if things had not been quite so rushed…”

Clarissa glared at him. “I am David’s widow. Surely, this entitles me to a pension from the East America Trading Company.”

Jacob grimaced theatrically. “Unfortunately, he never altered his paperwork with the company. His pension will go to me. You know how close David and I were. After our parents died, he did his best to take care of me.”

It was true. David had seen himself as Jacob’s surrogate parent, and in his eyes, Jacob could do no wrong. Clarissa had never shared David’s confidence in Jacob, but this was Jacob’s chance to prove her wrong.

“All right,” Clarissa sighed. “Where does that leave me?”

Jacob smiled at her. How could he smile on the day of David’s funeral? Was he completely heartless?

“I did imagine that this would be the outcome. Unfortunately, my brother could be quite dense when it came to such matters. He had a true sailor’s outlook. The man was superstitious to a fault.”

Why was he explaining her husband’s character to her? She knew David better than he could ever imagine. They may only have been married for a short while, but their time together had been filled with endless discussions. David had trusted her without reserve.

Clarissa merely stared at Jacob.

“In any case.” Jacob cleared his throat. “I spent a great deal of time thinking about what could be done for you. My brother would have expected me to take care of you. I considered giving you half of my brother’s pension.”

Half? Clarissa seethed. She was entitled to all of it! If he had any shred of decency, he would have gone to the East America Trading Company and set matters right! He was a banker; why did he need David’s pension?

“You see, if I should get married, then my wife would surely want that money to go straight into our household,” Jacob continued. “It would only be fair, especially if we were to have children.”
Clarissa gripped the armrests and forced herself to keep quiet. The man in front of her held her fate in his hands.

“We find ourselves in quite a conundrum,” Jacob said with a wince. “I want to do what’s right for everyone involved.”

“Your supposed future wife isn’t involved, considering that you haven’t met this woman yet,” Clarissa pointed out.

Jacob smiled insidiously, and her stomach lurched. Oh no. He had something up his sleeve.

“I was struck by a thought when I was talking to David’s solicitor, and he agreed. I think you and I should get married. That way, you can benefit from David’s pension, and we won’t have to worry about anyone else getting involved.”

His words hit her like a bucket of freezing water to the face. “Excuse me?”

She could hardly believe what he had suggested. His brother had just been buried!

“No,” Clarissa said incredulously.
Her blunt refusal wiped the smile right off Jacob’s face.

“You should reconsider before antagonizing me,” Jacob warned. “If you refuse, I will have you thrown out on your ear!”

“David would never want such a thing!”  Clarissa stood up quickly. “He loved me, and he would have wanted you to use your position to take care of me.”

“That’s precisely what I’m doing,” Jacob said, his eyes flashing menacingly. “David left you without any protection. I am offering to remedy that situation. I’m just as handsome as he was, and I make more money at the bank. You should be thanking your lucky stars that I’m proposing marriage!”

“It would be a sin to do that to your brother!” Clarissa snapped. “I’ll go to the pastor. He’ll make you see sense.”

Jacob snorted derisively as Clarissa went to the door. “You’re welcome to try, but he won’t change my mind. You can go to the solicitor, too, if you’d like, but he’ll simply confirm my story. This is legal. What’s more, it’s your only hope.”
Clarissa stiffened before turning back to him. “I’ll go to the solicitor. You can’t be allowed to do this.”

Jacob smirked at her. “Do that. But then I’ll take it as a refusal of my proposal, and I’ll give you twenty-four hours to vacate the premises. This house belongs to the East America Trading Company anyhow. You have nowhere else to go.”

Clarissa reached for the doorknob. “I’ve already told you that I won’t marry you. And if you had known anything about me at all, you would have known that I don’t respond well to threats.”

With that, she hurried out the door. Her mind worked quickly, and she searched through the house full of mourners until she found Abigail.

“What is it, dear?” Abigail asked in alarm when she spotted Clarissa’s face.

“May I speak to you in private?” Clarissa asked, looking around warily.

All the people in her home had been invited by Jacob. She recognized a few of the sailors David worked with, but the rest were strangers.

Abigail nodded and followed Clarissa outside. Once they were alone, Clarissa quickly told Abigail what had happened.

“What are you going to do?” Abigail asked, her eyes wide and her eyebrows raised.

“Do you think you could help me get out West?” Clarissa asked. “There’s a chance the solicitor will confirm Jacob’s story. If that’s the case, then there’s nothing here for me. I might as well go back. My father had contacts out West. I could use them to find a position, perhaps as a teacher.”

Abigail nodded quickly. “Pack your things and come with me. You can stay with me for a few nights until I leave for the West. That Jacob is a bad egg! I always knew there was something strange about him.”

“Thank you,” Clarissa said quickly.

She rushed inside to collect her things. During her childhood, she’d traveled extensively. As a result, she knew how to pack light. She grabbed a few essentials, including all the jewelry David had bought her. Clarissa was about to leave when she spotted David’s Bible next to his side of the bed. It was filled to the brim with random pieces of paper shoved between the fragile pages. He always put important documents in it to keep them from getting lost. The Bible was his most precious possession. She pressed it to her heart before carefully placing it in her case. Clarissa would keep it with her always.

When she was done, Clarissa gave their old room one last glance. Then she turned abruptly and pulled the door closed behind her. David’s death had launched her into uncertain waters, and she needed to learn to swim, or she would drown.


Finn Reed put his hands in his pockets to keep them from shaking as he boarded the train. He kept looking over his shoulder, half-expecting someone to stop him. After four years, he couldn’t believe that the time had finally come for him to head out West again. He had left his home when he was still a teenager and had promised that he would return once he had made a name for himself.

Now, he was well into his twenties, and while he had yet to make a name for himself, he was about to do something no one in his family had ever done. He was about to become wealthy beyond his wildest dreams.

Finn began looking for an open seat in the second-class carriage. His thoughts drifted back to when he had resigned from his post.

“We’re sorry to see you go, Reed,” his commander had said with a frown. “I can’t say that we were expecting something like this.” 

“I’m sorry, sir.” Finn had inclined his head respectfully. 

He refrained from mentioning that he had always meant to leave the Navy. It had only served to keep him out of trouble while he waited for the three years to come to an end. Finn had promised to meet his dearest friend in Mexico City, where they would set out on their quest to find the treasure they had learned about. 

“You have a real future here,” his commander had continued. “Think about what you’re walking away from. In a few years, you could be behind this desk. And who knows, you might even become an admiral someday.” 

Finn shook his head firmly. “Thank you, sir, but I’ve made up my mind. I need to leave.” 

His commander had shaken his head as if Finn was making the biggest mistake of his life. Perhaps he was, but he had made a promise, and he would see it through. 

Finn’s mind returned to the present. There was an open seat across from a lovely young woman and her older companion.

“May I sit here?” Finn asked the young woman.

She looked over at her companion. The older woman looked up and smiled broadly at him. “Why, of course you may! What’s your name, young man?”

“I’m Finn Reed, ma’am.”

“What lovely manners.” The older woman flushed. “I’m Mrs. Abigail Marshal, and this is my friend, Mrs. Clarissa Benson.”

Benson. The name was familiar.

“Are you from around here?” Finn asked Clarissa.

She shook her head. “No, I’m from out West.”
Ah. She couldn’t be related to the person he was thinking of. “How lovely.”

She didn’t say anything and turned her gaze to the window. Before anyone could say anything else, the train lurched as it began moving.

“Wonderful,” Abigail said, clapping her hands. “We’re off!”

Finn smiled to himself. For better or worse, his journey had started.

Chapter Two

“I tell you, that daughter-in-law of mine is a real piece of work,” Abigail prattled on.

Finn leaned his cheek against his hand as he struggled to keep his eyes open. They had been traveling for several days already and were nearing Texas.

“Do you know that she insisted on completely redecorating my drawing room before I left? She didn’t have the decency to wait until I was gone! Ask Clarissa. There was nothing wrong with my drawing room at all. The little minx was trying to undermine my confidence. Isn’t that right, Clarissa?”

Abigail turned to look at Clarissa indignantly. As usual, Clarissa was staring out the window. When they had first started their journey, Finn had assumed that Clarissa’s tongue would loosen as the days flew by. He had been wrong. She continued to stare out the window with a faraway look in her eye.

Sometimes, she would wipe a stray tear from her eyes. He had seen enough Navy widows to know that she was grieving. As much as he would have liked to hear her speak, if only to interrupt Abigail’s constant flow of speech, he had come to terms with the fact that he would likely never have a proper conversation with the woman. It was a shame, since she was truly beautiful.

“Pardon me?” Clarissa asked, looking over at Abigail with bleary eyes.

“I was telling Finn about how Jane made a point of redecorating my drawing room before we left,” Abigail said peevishly.

“Oh, yes,” Clarissa said dully. “There was nothing at all wrong with Abigail’s drawing room.”

Abigail nodded emphatically, and Finn smiled. “And I’m sure Mrs. Benson has exquisite taste, so she would know what she’s talking about.”

“She does,” Abigail said, touching Clarissa’s arm. “Although, we’ve known you for several days now, Mr. Reed. I’m sure she won’t mind if you call her Clarissa.”

Clarissa inclined her head to punctuate Abigail’s point, then turned her head to look out the window. Abigail sighed and leaned back in her seat. She gestured at Clarissa, then motioned for Finn to speak.

“Are you looking forward to reaching Galveston, Clarissa?” Finn asked carefully.

As he leaned forward, his collar pulled away from his neck slightly, revealing a small tattoo. It looked like a star with a key in the middle. Something prickled in her memory. David had the same tattoo. He had told her that it was something that sailors often got when they joined the Navy.

She frowned. “I’ll be perfectly candid with you, Mr. Reed, and tell you that I haven’t given the matter much thought.”

What a kick in the head! Conversing with Clarissa was more frustrating than listening to Abigail complain endlessly about her daughter-in-law.

“What about you, Finn?” Abigail jumped in quickly. “Do you have any plans once you reach Galveston?”

Finn nodded. “Indeed. I’ll be catching the first ship to Veracruz. From there, I’ll head to Mexico City, where I plan on meeting up with an old friend.”

“How exciting,” Abigail said, raising her eyebrows. “I’ve never been to Mexico. Is it lovely this time of year?”

Finn smiled. “I wouldn’t know. I’ve never been to Mexico either.”
As they were talking, the train slowed down, and he looked up to see they were nearing a station. According to his itinerary, this would be the last town they stopped at before they reached Galveston, which was another two days away.

“Well,” Finn said quickly, “I’ll be heading out to stretch my legs. Would you ladies like to join me?” Although the invitation was extended to both of them, he spoke directly to Clarissa. “This will be our last opportunity to do so before we reach our destination.”

Abigail looked at Clarissa expectantly. The young widow frowned and glanced out the window again.

“No, thank you,” Clarissa said.

Abigail and Finn shared a disappointed look. Despite her constant refusal to be drawn out, Finn was determined to have at least one proper conversation with the woman. Thankfully, Abigail seemed to have the same goal.

“Are you sure?” Abigail asked, tilting her head slightly. “It might do you good to get fresh air…”

“I appreciate your concern, but I’ll be fine,” Clarissa said as she stifled a yawn.

“In that case, I’ll accompany you, Finn,” Abigail said, getting to get feet. “Clarissa, do you mind keeping our seats?”
Clarissa shook her head and leaned back in her seat.

When they stepped out of the train, Abigail let out a sigh. “That poor woman.”


Abigail nodded. “She’s had such a difficult time of it lately. Her husband died and left her at the mercy of his no-good younger brother.”

Finn considered asking Abigail to stop talking about Clarissa. He wanted to get to know her himself, but he had his work cut out for him. It might help to get some background on the mysterious woman.

“What happened with the no-good brother?” Finn asked.
Abigail didn’t need much prompting as she leaped into the story. When she was done, Finn was aghast on Clarissa’s behalf.

“How could he get away with that? What did the solicitor say?” Finn cracked his knuckles.

Abigail shook her head sadly. “He confirmed Jacob’s story. Between you and me, I don’t know what a young woman like Clarissa is going to do out West. When she was younger, she had her father for protection. But now…” Finn grimaced as he looked around the familiar landscape. He had grown up on the plains. The dry, flat land that reached out for miles. It was hot as sin, and the land wasn’t welcoming to newcomers. Survival had to be earned, and only the lucky survived. Precious few managed to thrive under such conditions. What would happen to a delicate woman like Clarissa?

“Between you and me,” Abigail said, lowering her voice as she leaned closer to him, “the West was no place for a girl like her in the first place. Her father was a trader, and she once mentioned that he traded with the…natives.

She looked around quickly to make sure no one was listening. All around them, passengers jostled each other as they either embarked or got off onto the platform. A young man with multiple suitcases tried to hug an elderly woman, while a group of bearded men quickly climbed aboard.

Finn’s skin crawled as one of the men gave him a dirty look.

“Well, I suppose that taught her that the natives are friendlier than people might believe,” Finn said, giving her a stern look.
Abigail nodded quickly. “There’s no doubt about that, but how will she ever find a husband if she doesn’t spend time among her own people?”

Finn shrugged. “I wouldn’t worry too much about that, Abigail. After all, she found a husband once before.”

Abigail’s shoulders dropped. “I was so hoping that the two of you would make a connection.”

Finn sputtered in surprise, but Abigail didn’t notice his reaction as she looked longingly at the train.

“I don’t think Clarissa is in the mind to be making new connections,” Finn said diplomatically. “Besides, my present circumstances simply wouldn’t permit such a connection.”

He had said the word “connection” more times in the past few minutes than he had in his entire life. His mealy-mouthed attempts at salvaging the conversation had only made Abigail smile in amusement.

“Say whatever you’d like,” Abigail said, wagging her finger at him. “I’ve seen the way you look at her. You’d be a fool not to consider it. She’s beautiful. And let me tell you, she’s stronger than she looks.”

“Perhaps you shouldn’t be trying to marry Clarissa off without her knowledge,” Finn said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Abigail waved her hand dismissively. “I lived next to that girl for half a year. In that time, she’s become like my daughter. I helped my daughter find her husband, and now she’s happier than ever. I’ll do the same for Clarissa before we part ways, just you wait.”

“Her husband just died,” Finn pointed out.

“And this world is a hard place for a woman on her own, especially out West,” Abigail said, raising an eyebrow. “Clarissa married for love once. Now she needs to marry for more practical reasons.”

Finn gaped at Abigail. She studied him for a moment before she sighed and shook her head.

“You’ll be sorry that you didn’t pay much mind to her. She’s a darling.”

With that, Abigail turned and went back to the train. Finn waited a few moments before following her. The train was fuller than ever when they embarked, and he wasn’t looking forward to the last leg of their journey.

He had expected things to be awkward between him and Abigail after their conversation, but she continued as if nothing had happened. And all the while, Clarissa continued staring out the window with an air of melancholy.


After a full day of traveling, Finn was itching to stretch his legs again. He looked around uneasily. Ever since their last stop, the atmosphere on the train had changed. There were fewer people talking to each other, and there was a man who sat on the other side of the train who kept leering at Clarissa.

She hadn’t noticed him yet, but it was driving Finn mad. He turned to glare at the man a few times, but the scoundrel was undeterred.

“He must have been something special,” Finn said as he looked at Clarissa.

Abigail was sleeping soundly. Every so often, she would let out a loud snore. It was most unladylike, and she would have been mortified if she knew. Finn couldn’t help but envy her rest.

“Pardon?” Clarissa asked, turning to him.

“Your husband,” Finn clarified. “He must have been special.”

“Oh.” Clarissa looked down at her hands. “He was. Sometimes, I can’t believe that I had the good fortune of meeting him.”

Finn’s heart clenched. Her expression was impossibly sad. The look in her eyes reminded him of a lost child in the market. It was as if she was completely shattered by the loss.

“Abigail mentioned that you grew up in the West,” Finn said, “and that you traveled extensively with your father.”

Clarissa shrugged. “Yes, it’s true. We spent a lot of time in Texas.”

“Did you ever meet the Comanche?” Finn asked, leaning forward slightly.

She nodded emphatically. “Some of the greatest people I’ve ever met.” She said the words with an air of defiance, as if she was daring him to be shocked by his words.

“Do you want to know a secret?” Finn asked with a small smile.

She didn’t say anything, but there was a gleam in her eye that told him he’d caught her interest. Finally.

“I was raised by a Comanche tribe,” he whispered.

Clarissa’s mouth dropped open.

“I don’t tell many people about that,” Finn said with a chuckle, “and I’d appreciate it if you kept it from Abigail. These aren’t the safest times for that kind of knowledge to be spread around.”

As he spoke, he noticed that some of the bearded men who had got on the train the day before were huddled together. He frowned. What were they up to?

“I understand,” Clarissa said breathlessly. “My father would sometimes leave me with a tribe that he trusted if he was going on a particularly dangerous trip. They were kind to me, and I made friends with the children. It was a thrilling experience.”

Finn’s heart warmed toward her. She was the first woman he’d told about his upbringing, and the second person overall. It was clear to him that she was a special woman, and he wanted desperately to get to know her better. Unfortunately, that would be impossible since they would soon be going their separate ways.

It was a shame, since it was the first time he had ever had such an overwhelming urge to get to know a woman better. There was something arresting about her that hinted at a future filled with easy conversation and exciting adventures. If she ever chose to remarry, any man would be lucky to have her.

“It looks like we have something in common,” Finn said, inclining his head toward her. “Tell me, are you planning on visiting the tribes you once knew?”
Clarissa sighed and tugged at her sleeve. “I’m not sure. I’ve changed a lot since I left. What if I draw unwanted attention to the tribes? They might not accept me now that I look like…” She looked around at the other passengers.

Finn was about to reply when a loud bang went off in the compartment. He ducked automatically and knelt in front of Clarissa and Abigail.

Abigail woke up with a startled cry.

“Listen up!” one of the bearded men yelled. “This is a robbery!”
There were five of them, and they all put handkerchiefs over the lower halves of their faces. They each had a pistol in their hands and pointed them randomly at passengers. A moment of terrified silence ensued.

Finn’s time in the Navy had taught him the value of reacting in a crisis. It was best to stay calm. If he acted too quickly, he could escalate the situation unnecessarily. He glanced at Clarissa before taking his seat again.

“We’re going to come past, and you’re going to give us all your valuables,” the leader continued. “Don’t even think about holding out on us!”

Clarissa’s eyes were as wide as saucers, and she gripped Abigail’s hand tightly. Abigail whimpered and hid her face behind her hand.

“The Widow’s Tender Protector” is an Amazon Best-Selling novel, check it out here!

Clarissa Benson’s world is turned upside down after her husband’s untimely death, leaving her to fend off her cunning brother-in-law’s advances. Fiercely independent and determined to remain so, she returns to her roots in Texas, seeking solace in the wild, open spaces that once gave her freedom. Yet, amidst her struggle for autonomy, she can’t shake the feeling that love might never find her again on this vast frontier…

Can Clarissa find the strength to open her heart again under the vast Texas sky?

Finn Reed is a mysterious stranger with a burdened past, making his way to Mexico City to fulfill a promise to an old friend. When destiny aligns his path with Clarissa’s in the aftermath of a harrowing train robbery, Finn finds himself unexpectedly captivated by the spirited widow. Battling his own demons, he’s torn between the solitary journey he’s embarked on and the unexpected desire to protect and stay beside Clarissa.

Will Finn allow his heart to guide him, or will his secrets and duties force him down a solitary path?

As days turn into weeks, an undeniable attraction develops between the two. As Clarissa and Finn face the trials of the frontier, their reluctant partnership blossoms into a deep, undeniable bond. In a land where true connections are as rare as the most hidden treasures, Clarissa and Finn must decide if they’re willing to risk everything for a chance at love.Will their bond endure like the sturdy oak in a tempest, or will it falter like a fragile leaf in the wind?

“The Widow’s Tender Protector” is a historical western romance novel of approximately 60,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.

Get your copy from Amazon!


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