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Chapter One
Before the rooster crowed or the sun rose over the horizon of oak and elms, Julie Patel saddled her horse for a morning ride. She enjoyed the kiss of the sun’s first rays on her bisque-colored skin. The sound of her horse’s hooves and the whir of wind rushing as the mare galloped was sweet music to her ears until she came to a stop. The cooing and crooning of seedeaters, vireos, and warblers slowly began to fill the air as the sky brightened.
Julie’s praline brown hair was golden in the morning light and almost matched her horse’s coat color. As they rode, her loose curls and his dark mane flowed with the wind. When they came to a stop, she wondered if the horse wished they could go on riding the way she did.
“I suppose I should knock out a few chores. Father will be mad enough I’m out unaccompanied again,” Julie said to herself as much as the horse when the last piece of sun cleared the horizon. “He’ll be easier on me if I can at least tell him I was working. Right now, I can tell him I fed the horses when I saddled mine. I need to have a bit more completed, though.”
Julie and her horse returned to the ranch. When she arrived, Julie fed the calves in the feedlot. Next, she decided to tend the chickens. That alone would be a big job, and it was one her father, Luca, hated. He couldn’t stand the feathers. However, as their farm had the most chickens in the area, he never stood in the way of egg money.
She nearly finished when she heard her father’s voice not far behind her.
“How many today?” he asked.
“About 350 birds done; another fifty or so to go, and 281 eggs so far,” Julie replied.
“That’s a good day,” Luca said. “I guess it’s worth getting up early. That or to catch a good sunrise.” There was an edge to his voice.
Julie stopped collecting eggs and faced her father. She let her arms hang and brought her hands together to twiddle her fingers as she looked at the ground.
“I’m sorry, Daddy. You always said I beat the rooster to crowing when I was little. At least now I can get up and see to myself, and you can sleep,” the girl said, looking at her father innocently.
He looked at her sternly for only a moment longer. Then, Luca’s cross demeanor softened.
He sighed and said, “When you were a baby, you would cry every morning about five minutes before any rooster would make a sound.”
Julie looked at her father and smiled. He smiled back and shook his head.
“You remind me of when you were a little girl, and you would get in trouble for bringing the animals with you into the house or somewhere you shouldn’t,” her father said.
“Well, Daddy, you can’t blame me for wanting to bring the smaller ones in to play or for trying to take them to church a time or two when they needed the onery put out of them,” Julie said.
“Can’t say it didn’t necessarily work either. The piglets, when you were six, came back as docile as puppies,” Luca admitted.
Julie knew her father exaggerated. However, she agreed there hadn’t been a better bunch of piglets since.
“Well, where are you headed when you finish here?” he asked Julie.
“I was going to lend a hand with milking. Then, I figured I would go to the main garden,” Julie replied.
“Help with the milking,” Luca said. “After that, meet me in the cornfields. We’ll tackle that this morning. Midday, I’ll fix a reaper-binder to your horse. You can help harvest the wheat before the afternoon milking starts.”
“Alright, Daddy,” Julie said happily.
She didn’t mind any chores that allowed her to ride her horse, albeit slowly.
Her father walked away to begin his chores. Julie finished with the chickens and made her way to the cows. Then, she did as tell and joined her father in the cornfields. He was waiting with a small team of men. They harvested about twenty bushels that morning before taking a lunch break.
Julie and her father shared a bit of bread, cheese, and apples they had brought with them, as they did most days, along with a chachalaca her father shot mid-morning after they plucked it and cooked it over a fire. They preferred staying out in the fields until dinner if they could help it. Today they shared lunch not far from where the animals grazed.
“Make sure you get enough,” Luca said, encouraging his daughter to eat.
“I will, Daddy. You need to make sure you’re eating,” she returned. “You’ve got to keep your strength up since you insist on working as hard as the cowboys you hire.”
“I only work so hard to make sure I can provide my best for you. I’ll slow down when I have a son-in-law to care for you,” Luca said.
“Daddy, I don’t need some man to provide for me. I have all I need right here. If anything happened to you, I would be fine here where I have always been, or anywhere else I decided to go,” Julie said in an irritated way.
Her father shook his head. His hair was light brown like his daughter’s, but it had lost its youthful sheen. He had a few gray hairs, but it only made his chiseled jaw and the fine lines he was developing around the eyes seem more distinguished. All his features seemed to frame the bluest eyes in Montana, which he had passed down to Julie.
“Maybe, maybe not. The world is harder on women, and it tries to take things away from women who don’t have the help and protection of a father and brothers or a husband. You don’t have any brothers, but you would make any man a good wife,” Luca said.
“That may be, but I’ve not exactly met any man who would make for a good husband. None of them have even seemed promising, Daddy,” the young woman replied.
Her father agreed.
“It’s true, we’ve had a string of bad luck and disappointment in finding a young man for you, but that doesn’t mean we won’t. The right fellow is out there, but you won’t meet him unless you meet him,” Julie’s father stated.
She gave him a mild look of confusion and asked, “Are you taking to speaking in riddles and parables now? What’s that supposed to mean?”
With a sigh, Luca said, “It means we will have company over for dinner tomorrow evening, and I want you to be polite and open-minded about things.”
“I’m always polite, but I don’t know how open-minded I can be. I don’t see why I have to open my mind to dating men who only want to use me one way or another when the world is close-minded to me enjoying my life as it is right now,” Julie said softly. “It’s not that I mind possibly getting married, but it would be nice if it felt like the man was in love with me. I want someone to speak about me the way you talk about how you loved Momma.”
She looked at her father.
He had a bittersweet look as he replied, “I want that for you, too. I do, honey. But you never know who that feeling will strike with until you meet somebody and get to know them. It’s all a leap of faith.”
“Well, I’m getting tired of leaping,” Julie said, looking into the distance.
Her father nodded understandingly.
Then, he said, “Well, I know you are never tired of riding. Let’s finish eating so we can get back out there. I want us to get through the southwest corner wheat field today.”
Julie smiled slightly and said, “Alright, Daddy. We’ll see it done.”
He nudged her with his shoulder, and she bumped him back. Their moods and conversation had lightened when Uncle Darren, Luca’s brother, rode out to them.
Darren looked very similar to Luca, but his hair was a little darker and his eyes were a stormy blue, rather than the lighter tone of his brother’s. On his horse, he looked large and powerful.
“Well, I finally found you,” he said, slowing his horse to a stop.
“Sure did,” Luca said, giving his brother a nod.
“Hi, Uncle Darren,” Julie said, smiling up at him from where she sat. “How are you today?”
“Oh, well enough, I suppose,” Darren replied. “I was going to join you two at the main house for lunch, but they told me you were out in the fields.”
“You’re welcome to join us here,” Luca said, gesturing for his brother to sit.
However, the slightly younger man shook his head and remained on his horse.
“I prefer to eat at the table,” he said with a slightly displeased face. “You two enjoy. I figured I would help a little after lunch, but I thought lunch would be indoors. I’ll ride around and make myself useful for a while. Maybe I’ll stick around after, and we can all sit down for dinner.”
“Sounds good,” replied Luca. “You know you don’t have to come over to work anymore. Your ranch is big enough to be quite a job on its own. A general visit is nice, too.”
“It’s not what it ought to be for all I put into it,” Darren grumbled. But he brightened and said, “Still, you are right. It’s good to enjoy time with family. How’s my favorite niece?”
Julie smiled at her uncle pleasantly and said, “I’m doing well. I’d be better if Daddy weren’t making another attempt to set me up with a husband.”
“Who now?” Darren asked with a raised eyebrow.
“That’s a good question. Who now, Daddy?” Julie asked.
“Just a business associate of mine and his son,” Luca replied. “They have a ranch a little way away, but they are coming into town tomorrow. I told them to have dinner with us before they go back.”
Darren looked as though he wanted more detail, but he didn’t question his brother’s vagueness for the moment.
Instead, lowering his voice and in a gravelly tone, Darren said to Julie, “Well, as long as your father approves of the young man, I don’t see the problem. If you were a heifer, he’d have introduced you to a bull by now. Finding a husband is just a fact of nature.”
Ugh, my father knows that I am more than breeding stock. Perhaps that view of marriage is why you haven’t found a wife, Julie thought to herself.
Aloud she said, “If I have to marry, I want more than just a husband. I want someone who will let me live my dreams or, better yet, live them with me. I want to see the world. It might not be so bad with a husband to join me.”
“Well, does it help that I’m not asking you to settle? I want you to be married, but not at the expense of your happiness. Understand, I want the two to go hand in hand,” Luca stated. “I’m not as much a fan of you traveling the world and being so far, I can’t reach you, but I would feel better if you weren’t alone, here or anywhere else.”
Julie felt a little better about the matter. Even if she hadn’t, she knew her father had her best interest at heart.
“I know you do,” she replied. “I guess the growing number of failed introductions behind me makes me cautious of meeting the next. Still, I shouldn’t project the flaws of the boys of the past to the men of the future, right? The fellow coming tomorrow night could catch my eye, stimulate my mind, and put a ring around my finger. I suppose it would be asking too much that he steals my heart.”
“I couldn’t say, but I don’t think it would be asking too much that he should potentially earn it, like a man you’ve described,” Luca said. “If we keep looking, we can find him.”
Darren looked back and forth between his brother and his niece.
“Well, I’ll go ahead and lend a hand,” he said.
“Why don’t you help with the wheat? Then, Julie, you can start working on feeding the corn through the husker-shredder. Get it ready for fodder. Stop when you help with the afternoon milking on the cows,” Luca said.
“Yes, sir, Daddy,” Julie replied.
Her pleasant day had taken a turn. Julie was disappointed two-fold. She didn’t want dinner guests the next night and the rest of her chores for the day didn’t include any more riding. Still, she fixed her mind on being positive about both matters. The meal would likely be better than normal since they were having company, and even if a chore on the ranch wasn’t her favorite, there was nothing required of her that she didn’t enjoy in some part.
Julie needed to believe her father was right. The feelings she waited for could strike with anyone at any time, even one of her father’s suitors.
As she husked bushel after bushel of corn through the husker-shredder, Julie wondered if there were any way around being married. However, the more she thought, the more she knew her father was right. Julie had seen women face hard times when they didn’t have any family to care for them.
Her only family besides her father was Uncle Darren, and he could only do so much. There were rumors in town about his finances, but Julie’s father always told her not to be trustful of gossip or people who spread it.
As Julie moved from the corn to the cows, her mind shifted to talk that might circulate about her, assuming there was any.
Still, the older she got, the worse opinions would be and the slimmer the chance of finding a decent match she could at least get along with or tolerate.
The cow Julie was milking shifted some and mooed.
“Sorry,” Julie said to the animal. “I didn’t mean to pull quite so hard. No sense taking my frustration out on you.”
She continued milking and tried to be more mindful of what she was doing. Julie wanted to think positively about the looming meal. If her father associated with the boy’s father, he was likely from a good family. Luca Patel didn’t do business with just anyone, and that was a known fact. Still, if it was someone he did business with that Julie didn’t know, how close could the relationship be?
Julie wished for things to go well. Or, at least, she prayed to get through the evening unscathed. What Julie wanted was to meet someone who wouldn’t stand in the way of her being herself or chasing her dreams. That was unlikely if she married the son of another wealthy rancher or business owner like her father. That was only a path to a safe life like she had been living, but with babies underfoot, Julie’s options for adventure and living in a carefree way would be more limited than they were already.
When Julie finished the last of her chores, she went into the house to wash for dinner. Uncle Darren stayed for the meal and offered to join Luca and Julie for dinner with their guests the following evening, but his brother turned him down, not wanting to add further pressure to Julie or the young man she would be meeting.
After the meal, Julie went to her room. She needed to go to bed because she would need to complete her chores early to prepare for dinner. However, her mind was too distraught. Julie read the latest book that she had picked up at the general store to relax. Unfortunately, she found part one of Anna Karenina only heightened her concerns about marriage.
Chapter Two
“Where have you been, Deputy Marshal?” Sheriff Shane Brook asked when Oliver arrived back at the jail.
It was a one room building with two holding areas barred off. Besides that, there were two wooden desks and chairs and a few extra stools and chairs throughout the room. There were a few wanted posters on the walls, but none were for any local crimes.
“Been settling a dispute at the general store,” Oliver said, sitting on a stool near the sheriff’s desk. “Old Mrs. Patterson thought someone stole her purse. So, she was hootin’ and hollerin’ and making a big scene. She accused a boy there of stealing it, and his mother was nearby and had a few choice words for anyone accusing her son of anything.”
“Did everything get settled?” Sheriff Brook asked. “I see you came back alone, so I guess you opted not to even bring anyone in for disturbing the peace.”
“No, it didn’t get so bad. The two women exchanged words, but Mrs. Patterson’s driver could hear what was going on from the road. He checked the wagon and noticed she had left her coin purse in the buggy. She apologized when he brought it to her and, I would say, was embarrassed by her behavior after the fact,” Oliver said with a chuckle.
“Did she make amends with the mother and her boy?” the sheriff asked.
“It wasn’t the best apology in the world, but she made it all the same and paid for her things,” Oliver replied. “Since some folks had already asked me to see about the shouting, I still spoke with her about being careful about making accusations. I also talked to the boy about staying closer to his momma. It was all sorted out simple enough.”
“Well, that’s the most eventful thing that has happened all day,” the sheriff replied, putting his feet on his small wooden desk. “Let’s hope it stays that way.”
“Yes, sir,” Oliver agreed. Then, he asked, “When Boone and Thorne come in for the night, do you want to ride out for supper back at my place?”
Sheriff Brook rubbed his hands together and said, “I don’t have any plans better than that. Not that much could be better than your momma’s cooking. Did she say what she was making?”
“Cornbread, soused calf feet, black-eyed peas, potatoes, and a fruit pie,” Oliver said with a smile.
Shane smiled, as well, and rubbed a hand over his stomach as he stretched back in his chair.
“Yeah, no one can resist all that. You better hope your mother made enough for you to have some, too, because I down a skillet of bread by my lonesome,” the older man said.
“Eat all you like,” Oliver said. “I’m grateful that you gave me this job when I moved here and kept me on this long. All I ask is to make sure Mabel gets a big wedge of the cornbread before you eat the rest. That’s her favorite.”
“Well, I’d have been a fool not to deputize the boy who stole Kurt McGruder’s gun while breaking up a fight and managed to turn it back on him. I remember I thought, ‘That kid needs to be in law enforcement before he’s brought up the ranks for some gang’,” the sheriff said.
“That will never be me,” Oliver stated. “After dad died, I couldn’t stand idle for senseless fighting and killing anymore.”
The sheriff only nodded.
“A man with that mindset would have ended up with a badge sooner or later,” Sheriff Brook said confidently. “And I’ll give your sister the first cut of the skillet. How is Mabel, anyway? Has she felt well enough to move about?” the sheriff asked.
“She has her good days and bad ones,” Oliver said with a shrug. “She’s weak most of the time, and the doctors can’t figure out what’s wrong. Still, they swear all these expensive medicines are the only thing that can reduce the pain in her chest and breathing problems. The kid’s been through so much in her short thirteen years. They expect it will just come and go. Since it’s not constant, we do what they say until something changes.”
“I suppose that’s all you can do,” the sheriff replied.
He was quiet for a moment.
Then, he said, “Stay here.”
“Where are you going?” asked Oliver.
“I got manners,” the older man replied. “I need to bring something to your mother since I’m coming to dinner. And your sister might like it if I got her a few sweets while I’m at it. I was going to get a few things for the missus anyway. Better get her something extra for missing dinner. While I’m out I’ll give a few of the younger boys a few coins each to run out to the house and tell her.”
“Mrs. Brook is the nicest woman in town, so I doubt she’ll be too hard on you. Besides, you know you’ve done enough for us by giving me a job. We’re glad to have your company and call you a friend,” Oliver said.
“Well, you’ll be even gladder to have a bag of mixed candies, teas, or a book if the store has any,” the sheriff said. “I won’t be gone long.”
Oliver said goodbye, and the older man left. The deputy appreciated all Sheriff Brook had done for his family, the last five years since they lived in Westwood, Texas. Aside from hiring Oliver, Sheriff Brook had come to visit every time Mabel was sick, and he was a stand-in father figure when Oliver and his sister needed it. The sheriff had a family—a wife and two daughters, and they were generous to Oliver’s family as well.
Still, Oliver’s life had problems beyond his sister’s health. His biggest problem was tied directly to it. Being a deputy was good, honest work, but he was far from the richest man in town. Keeping Mabel supplied with the medicine she needed had created a growing debt over Oliver’s head. He owed growing tabs with the general store and the doctor, because the modern medicines and elixirs were expensive. But both men knew Oliver worked down the bills as best as he could during each stretch that his sister felt well. Furthermore, the doctor recommended every new remedy he learned of.
Oliver decided not to let himself get too down thinking about his troubles. Instead, he stood and walked to the doorway of the jailhouse. He leaned against the frame and looked out at the small town and its citizenry.
As he looked, Oliver saw other fellows about his age about town with young wives or young ladies they were courting. Part of him envied them. He was twenty-three and had a certain longing for companionship that every other man his age had. Likewise, he had an ideal fantasy of a future with a wife, a few kids, and a bustling ranch of his own.
However, a part of him knew things were better as they were. Being single suited him because he already had a mother and sister for which to provide. And Oliver knew his job had risks. He wouldn’t dream of marrying some girl and starting a family, only to make her a widow or leave any children fatherless.
As people passed him, they greeted Oliver and waved. More than a few unattached ladies eyed him or smiled particularly brightly. Rightfully, so as he was a dark-haired, brown-eyed eligible bachelor and his job gave him an air of danger, though he fought on the side of right. But Oliver knew for every girl who might have expressed interest, there would be a mother or father who worried about the risk and the lack of pay he received as compensation. Plus, the duty he felt toward caring for his mother and sister was no secret.
Oliver people watched a little longer before going back into the jailhouse. He grabbed a small chunk of wood near the cast iron stove and took it with him when he sat on the stool.
After looking at it a moment, he said, “I think there’s a nice bird in you somewhere.”
Then, he took out his knife and set to work, attempting a small bird from the wood. While he was cutting, Sheriff Brook returned. Not long after, Deputies Boone and Thorne arrived for the overnight watch. Oliver placed his project in his pocket for another time. He and Sheriff Brook volunteered to make the dusk ride throughout town to check on things before riding to Oliver’s family’s small farm.
“I’ll be back home before it gets too late if anything stirs up tonight,” Sheriff Brook said.
“Yes, sir,” Boone and Thorne said in near unison.
Then, Oliver and the sheriff were on their way. They checked every business in town and inquired about the rented rooms, ensuring their town could rest easy. Oliver felt a sense of pride. As he looked at Sheriff Brook, he was sure the older man felt the same.
“So, did you see anything interesting when you were out this afternoon?” Oliver asked.
“I got some small things for your sister and my girls. Then, I got a small token for your mother for the meal and a trinket for the missus,” Sheriff Brook replied.
“You took care of everyone, didn’t you?” Oliver asked jokingly.
“I didn’t get you nothing,” the sheriff replied with a laugh, picking up his pace.
The men rode to Oliver’s home and set their horses up to feed when they arrived. The sheriff grabbed a small sack and another item wrapped in brown paper. As they approached the house, Oliver’s mother came to the door to greet them.
“Welcome home, Oliver. How was your day, son?” his mother asked.
“Uneventful, so good,” he replied.
“Good to see you, Sheriff. Did you have a good day, too?” Mrs. Marshal asked.
“It was good, thank you,” Sheriff Brook said, stopping in the door to speak. “How was yours?”
“Today has been fine, thanks. Mabel was able to keep me company on a blanket in the grass while I hung a few things to dry and even helped with some of the cooking,” Mrs. Marshal said rejoicingly, putting her hands together.
Sheriff Brook shared her enthusiasm and then held out his offering to her.
“Now I have double the reason to give you a gift,” he said, handing her the paper-wrapped item.
He made his way into the house behind Oliver, and they found Mabel at a chair in the small dining room. It was sparsely decorated, but it felt homey and welcoming. The dining room was a small table and chairs and a worn credenza that held Mrs. Marshal’s dishes from her late mother.
“Hi, Oliver,” she said brightly, rising to hug her brother. “Hello, Sheriff Brook.”
“Hello, little lady. How’ve you been feeling?”
“Pretty good, sir,” the girl replied. “I laid on a blanket in the grass today. Momma and I talked about how the breeze moves the clouds across the sky. Sometimes, the funny shapes look like different animals chasing each other.”
Sheriff Brook laughed and said, “I suppose they do. I’ll have to lay in the grass with the girls and enjoy the show some time. Though, I guess being older, it won’t be as interesting as watching with you.”
Sheriff Brook’s daughters were young women. They were likely to marry and leave home soon. But the sheriff looked forward to that day and grandchildren, and, just as Oliver had become the son he never had, Mabel at times seemed to be an opportunity to relive when his girls were young.
“Perhaps we could all do it together on Sunday. Would you and Oliver have time?” Mabel asked.
The sheriff bumped his knuckle to the girl’s cheek gently as he said, “We can make time, kid. Here.”
He handed her the small sack he had filled at the general store.
Oliver looked on as his sister opened it and looked inside. Mabel’s eyes grew wide. She smiled toothily.
“Mixed candies! I’ll eat so many my teeth will fall out,” the girl joked.
“Then, I suppose I should hang on to those for you, so you don’t eat them all in one sitting and end up with no teeth and a tummy ache among everything else,” her mother said.
She meant it lighthearted, but they couldn’t help but all pause a moment.
“Why don’t you hold on to the bag for now and have a few pieces after dinner? Then, we will put it away for later together,” Mrs. Marshal said more gently.
Mabel nodded and relaxed a little.
She asked her mother, “What did Sheriff Brook give you?”
“I haven’t opened it yet,” Mrs. Marshal replied, turning the package over and beginning to unfold the paper. “It’s a book. Black Beauty, oh, I have wanted to read this.”
“That’s the story told by the horse, right, Ma?” Oliver asked.
“It is,” the woman said, smiling at the pages.
“I’ll have to borrow that one when you finish. I heard about it, too. Sounded interesting,” Oliver said.
“You two are far bigger readers than me, but I’m glad to know I did some good picking,” the sheriff said. “I hope my wife and daughters like what I got them as much. I got my wife a neck scarf and broach and ribbon necklaces with charms.”
“That’ll be pretty,” said Mabel.
“I’m sure they will love it,” added Mrs. Marshal. “Mrs. Brook is lucky to have such a thoughtful husband. It’s good that you spoil them so much, but don’t think you have to bring Mabel and me gifts every time you come.”
Sheriff Brook replied, “I wouldn’t say it’s every time, and you all are family, too. Which is why, I don’t mind saying, I think I smell some nice skillet cornbread, and Mabel and I would love to have a piece.”
“Yes, we would,” the girl said eagerly.
She set one more place at the dining table for the sheriff. Then, Mabel sat down. She pointed at seats for Oliver and Sheriff Brook to sit down, too. The older man took his place as instructed, but Oliver followed his mother and helped her bring the food to the table.
When they had set the meal on the table, Oliver, and Mrs. Marshal each took their seats. Oliver blessed their meal, including their family and the sheriff’s, and Westwood, the town that had become their home in the prayer.
When his mother sensed his closing coming, she hurriedly added, “And bless the young lady out there who will be my son’s future wife. Amen.”
Everyone said, “Amen,” and the sheriff laughed, but Mabel asked, “Do you have to keep praying for a wife for Oliver? He works enough. That would just mean someone else we had to share him with.”
“No, dear. That is another daughter for me and a sister for you, whom Oliver must share with us,” Mrs. Marshal said, looking with joy from her daughter to her son.
Oliver shook his head and looked at his sister across the table.
“Don’t you worry,” he said. “That’s not a prayer getting answered any time soon.”
Though he smiled when his sister seemed pleased by his response, a part of Oliver lamented the truth to his statement. Even if he was considering settling down with someone, there was no one in mind with whom to settle down.
“Two Souls Captured By Fate” is an Amazon Best-Selling novel, check it out here!
Despite her father’s constant pressure to marry, no such thing as love exists in Julie Patel’s mind. Her life is about to change forever, though, on the day she is kidnapped along with a mysterious stranger. Upon hearing her captors’ plan to kill him, Julie tricks them into believing they are in a relationship. Thus, she convinces the bandits that her father will pay a bigger ransom for both of them.
It all started as a charade to save the man’s life; no one imagined that it would lead to true romance…
Oliver Marshal is a respectable lawman with a painful secret to hide. When Julie’s brilliant scheme prevents his death, he is overwhelmed with gratitude. Smitten with both her intelligence and beauty, he agrees to help her deceive her family by continuing their false engagement. That is until a horrible coincidence disrupts their whole plan…
Once Oliver is confronted with an evil threat, will he be brave enough to face it?
At the beginning of their pretend game, love was not a part of the bargain for Julie and Oliver. In spite of their growing intimacy, they will still have to fight their demons; not just the notorious gang, but also their own families. As they get closer to the leader of the kidnappers, will their bond prove to be strong enough to endure the risks threatening to destroy it?
“Two Souls Captured By Fate” is a historical western romance novel of approximately 80,000 words. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and a guaranteed happily ever after.
Grab my new series, "Brave Hearts of the Frontier", and get 5 FREE novels as a gift! Have a look here!
Hello my dears, I really hope you enjoyed the preview! I will be waiting for your comments here. Thank you 🙂
I enjoyed the preview and look forward to reading the rest of the story.
Thank you so much!
A very good story of a young Julie Patel and a deputy sheriff Oliver Marshall. How their lives bring them together and the struggle they have to overcome. Will there be a happy ending for the young couple. Enjoyed the preview can’t wait for the book.
Thank you!